Stylish’s default formatting of its output might not be your liking, or fit in with the house style used in your hand-written stylesheets. Fortunately, its output is easily configurable by setting the format attribute on the relevant classes, as can be seen in the following example.

style = Stylish.generate do
  div :color => "000", :letter_spacing => "0.1em"
  em :font_style => "italic"
  strong :font_weight => "bold"
  p :margin_bottom => "10px"

           # With Stylish's default formatting...
style.to_s # => div {color:#000; letter-spacing:0.1em;}
           #    em {font-style:italic}
           #    strong {font-weight:bold;}
           #    p {margin-bottom:10px;}

Stylish::Rule.format = "%s {\n  %s\n}\n"
Stylish::Declarations.format = "\n  "
Stylish::Declaration.format = "%s: %s;"

           # ...and using our new formatting choices:
style.to_s # => div {
           #      color: #000;
           #      letter-spacing: 0.1em;
           #    }
           #    em {
           #      font-style: italic;
           #    }
           #    strong {
           #      font-weight: bold;
           #    }
           #    p {
           #      margin-bottom: 10px;
           #    }

The following classes in the Stylish namespace all have a format attribute which can be changed to adjust way their output is serialised:

  • Stylesheet: controls how rules are joined together. Defaults to a single line break.
  • Tree::SelectorScope: controls how rules within a particular selector scope are joined, just like Stylesheet does at the top level. Defaults to a single line break.
  • Rule: controls the joining of selectors and declarations. Defaults to a single space between the selectors and the opening brace of the declarations, and no whitespace between the braces and the declarations themselves.
  • Selectors: controls how selectors are joined together. Defaults to a single space after the required comma.
  • Declarations: controls how selectors are joined together; defaults to a single space.
  • Declaration: controls how individual declarations are formatted; defaults to include no whitespace.
  • PropertyBundle: controls how property values with multiple values are formatted. Defaults to a single space after the required comma.
  • Image: controls how URI values are formatted. Defaults to wrapping values in single quotes with no whitespace (double quotes and no quotation marks are valid alternatives).